Exceptions - HTTPException and WebSocketException¶
These are the exceptions that you can raise to show errors to the client.
When you raise an exception, as would happen with normal Python, the rest of the
execution is aborted. This way you can raise these exceptions from anywhere in the
code to abort a request and show the error to the client.
You can use:
These exceptions can be imported directly from fastapi:
fromfastapiimportFastAPI,HTTPExceptionapp=FastAPI()items={"foo":"The Foo Wrestlers"}@app.get("/items/{item_id}")asyncdefread_item(item_id:str):ifitem_idnotinitems:raiseHTTPException(status_code=404,detail="Item not found")return{"item":items[item_id]}
HTTP status code to send to the client.
Any data to be sent to the client in the detail key of the JSON
Any headers to send to the client in the response.
def__init__(self,status_code:Annotated[int,Doc(""" HTTP status code to send to the client. """),],detail:Annotated[Any,Doc(""" Any data to be sent to the client in the `detail` key of the JSON response. """),]=None,headers:Annotated[Optional[Dict[str,str]],Doc(""" Any headers to send to the client in the response. """),]=None,)->None:super().__init__(status_code=status_code,detail=detail,headers=headers)
fromtypingimportAnnotatedfromfastapiimport(Cookie,FastAPI,WebSocket,WebSocketException,status,)app=FastAPI()@app.websocket("/items/{item_id}/ws")asyncdefwebsocket_endpoint(*,websocket:WebSocket,session:Annotated[str|None,Cookie()]=None,item_id:str,):ifsessionisNone:raiseWebSocketException(code=status.WS_1008_POLICY_VIOLATION)awaitwebsocket.accept()whileTrue:data=awaitwebsocket.receive_text()awaitwebsocket.send_text(f"Session cookie is: {session}")awaitwebsocket.send_text(f"Message text was: {data}, for item ID: {item_id}")
def__init__(self,code:Annotated[int,Doc(""" A closing code from the [valid codes defined in the specification](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6455#section-7.4.1). """),],reason:Annotated[Union[str,None],Doc(""" The reason to close the WebSocket connection. It is UTF-8-encoded data. The interpretation of the reason is up to the application, it is not specified by the WebSocket specification. It could contain text that could be human-readable or interpretable by the client code, etc. """),]=None,)->None:super().__init__(code=code,reason=reason)